Hey, girlahs! OK, here's the love I got from Amber. Inside the cute felt box was the KI valentine chipboard. I had been wanting these but I never bought them! I couldn't believe it when I saw them! There are the little puffy hearts, ribbons, flowers, the toile fabric, an M, and lots of wonderful, wonderful felt! And look at the cute little card she made. A is for Amber and it's also for awesome! Thank you!!!!
OH, and I got my copies of the Show and Tell book from Making Memories so I'm going to do the first official RAK here on our bloggy! Between 1 - 139, guess the page number that my first lo is on. Whoever's closest wins a copy of the book (and a little something extra thrown in :D)! Just post your guess in the comments.
I'm off to watch All My Children now!