Tuesday, August 26, 2008


And it feels so good :)

So we've met up with the Lieu's a handful of times already bc we were all staying at the same place. Yay. And we've tentatively planned to have dinner again. So much to talk about. We're so happy for them... they're both glowing! Congratulations again to the Mike and the J. Oooh, we should throw her an e-Baby shower :) Hollah.

And sorry for the blurry picture... it didn't auto focus, but it makes me love it better. Happy Monday my Girlahs!

Now... about that big reunion :)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

14 weeks and 1 day

So my dear Heidi asked, and you all shall receive.

I hit the 14th week mark yesterday (8.9.08) and it is still kinda weird to see my body change the way it is. Sometimes, it even grosses me out. To think I "used" to have a somewhat flat tummy, which has now turned into a pot belly. I told mR this, but if I look straight down at my toes, I can't see my crotch anymore. lovely huh? But if it means I get to grow a new person inside of me, then I'm willing to sacrifice.

my next appointment is in just over a week, and it might be the one where I can find out the sex of the baby. But Mike and I have both chosen to wait and be surprised, so we'll have to look away when the ultrasound gets to the nether region.

so here's the gnarly picture of the pot-belly-in-process, hopefully you wouldn't have just eaten dinner or anything.

only for you girahls, only for you.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Just checking to see if anyone still happend upon our old hang out! ;)