Saturday, March 22, 2008

H to the appy, B to the irthday to H to the eidi!!

did you all follow that one?

anyhow we, the Girlahs of, would like to wish you, Heidi of Tulsa, OK, a very very happy birthday!!

and because of your recent move into a home, we are celebrating by giving you some home decorating ideas! straight from the pages of Martha Stewart, Real Simple, and Better Homes and Garden (amongst others), we hope to inspire you to create a place for you and the Mister to lay your heads.

but since I, Jamie of Orange County, CA am not home, I leave you with a flower from my mom's garden. and I have no clue what sort of flower it is. but it's pink with green leaves and I know you like those colors. and there are some pink and green scrubbies in your future too.

love ya and have a super dee duper day!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Hi My Girlahs

Just wanted to update on the March kits. I'm thinking there gonna be more like April kits. LoL. With the eye surgery, I just haven't been able to do much these last few weeks. I'm finally driving which means I'll be able to start leaving the house a little more. Some days they are still pretty blurry, so it's kind of a toss up as to whether I can drive day to day. I have ideas in mind, it's just to actually get out and get them done. I'm hoping to be able to do that soon. Hope you all are doing well. Happy St. Patrick's Day to you! :)