Sunday, February 25, 2007

Let's Give...

a huge flippin' round of applause to..........
The Jamison for creating our beautifullest banner.


Alex Hardy said...

holy crap.
that is so cool.
is it possible for you to xerox it jamie?
i'd LOVE a copy.
you know....
i'd be happy to send you a S.A.S.E
or whatever.
:) :) :)

Jamie Ko said...

alex, how about I send you the scanned image...that way you can print it at home.

I like that I was clever enough to use the woman pic as the A. I didn't have any A's left of my stickers so I had to be creative. and who doesn't love some hambly? those are part of their new lines of rubons by the way...but the one I used is actually a transparency. thanks to D for letting me have it. we got it at the Kristi Contes class at Oasis...

Heidi Joe said...


Freakin' out.

Totally pure unadulterated genius, Jaims. You are such a STAR!!

Also, I checked your gallery today and dayum, girl. You have been crankin' out the goods, I tell you. Can you pass some along my way?

amber said...

JAMIE! That banner rocks! I love the woman for the A. Genius, my friend, genius! :)

michelle raMirez said...

that is fly.
the woman for the a?
love it!
so cool.

michelle.g said...

jamison is the girlah with the mostest and our banner is the coolest ever.