Happy Birthday Amber!
You are the Queen of Buttons & *Bling*, so we are going to pretty up
some pages to celebrate the awesome friend & scrapper you are!
We'll be linking them up over @ SiStv.
Hope your day is marvelous sweets!
Love Ya!
Your Girlahs.
I've posted a birthday greeting over @ SiStv.
BIG Hugs to you aC!
Here's mine!! Happy Birthday, sweety pie!!
AWWWWW! Thank you girls so much. I am drooling over that whole chandelier montage. Or whatever you wanna call it. You girls are the sweetest. The button and bling pages are perfection. You all know me so well, and I♥that!
Love to you all and thanks again for making my day so special!
Happy Birthday aC!!!!!!!!! I hope you have the most wonderfullest birthday :) Can you believe it? I think yours was the first we started with one year ago (member we did the Lost homage?) hehe. SPeaking of which, I seen Jin at Ala Moana shopping center today in Honolulu! GAH! I texted Heidi, but I think it's a sign, forrill!!!!! OMG. It totally was a birthday sighting for YOU :) I packed away my scrappies, but will post a page to help draw out your bday, hehe. Love yah! D.
happy berfday dear Amber!!
hope it was a happy one!
and btw, we used your Nunu seasoning the other night...it was yummy nummy for the tummy :)
happy Birthday to you sweets!!
dang that picture thingy is awesome!!
hope your da was great!
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