"One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight. Schlemiel! Schlemazl! Hasenpfeffer Incorporated!!! We're gonna do it!
Give us any chance, we'll take it, Give us any rule, we'll break it.
We're gonna make our dreams come true! Doin' it our way, yes our way!!!
Make our dreams come true! For me annnnnnnnnnnnnd YOU!"
"Hey Laverne, where the Lenny and the Squiggy at??"
"Prolly busy working on their CJs, Shirl."
Just wanted to say hello, sing and song, and check yall out. Gotta go meet Carmine at The Pizza Bowl!
Laverne De Fazio and Shirley Feeney
you two are WAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY too much!
here's an idea, since you both have the "superimposing heads on bodies" bug...
why not do another blog banner with all our heads superimposed on a group of bodies??
like using smurfs, or the seven dwarfs!!!!! cuz there are seven of us and that would be so funny. I think I might wanna be sleepy or dopey or something. or grumpy, cuz I'm grumpy fairly often (ask Mike and he'll probably agree).
and Mike wanted to throw this in...did you know that Laverne used to drink Pepsi and milk?
I'm still cracking up at our L'eggs Suntan Reinforced toe pantyhose.
Oh man, I love this group. Seriously.
Love. Not just like.
Hilarious. Even though I'm feeling like crap today (sinus, allergy funk) this post made me laugh. You girls are hilarious. L & S was one of my fave shows when they used to play reruns on Nick @ Nite. Seriously. Too funny.
haaahaaa! LOVE it! and Heidi I'm pretty sure my Mom use to wear that pantyhose you mention. talk about taking me back. that's waaaaay back!
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