i have not seen someone knaw on a turkey leg ever.
i am such a nerd because i had to get it on film.
i pretended to be taking a photo of Olivia and then zoomed up on this.
perfect timing as he is sizing it up and about to conquer that bad boy.

the meetup?
the photoswap?
how is the summer going for you all?
I'm glad I'm not the only one that takes secret hilarious photos.
I seriously do not get the turkey leg thing. So nasty. It has that Renaissance Faire quality to it, turkey grease just dripping on down. SICK!
Summer rocks so far.... I think it's gonna keep on rocking because we're 87% sure we're heading back down to Dallas for the day to catch the Nordy's sale and to see...
AMBER !!!!!!!! (So excited to meet another girlah, I wanna collect the whole set.)
Any word on if out October meetup is still on? OCtober 19th-ish in Orange County?
okay mR, wait til you come to CA and go to Disneyland. They've got monster turkey legs too. usually Mike and I will share, but most of the time I have a few bites and he finishes it off. it's good enough to keep one filled the whole day.
not sure about the October meet-up. I'm still down, but D might be in full wedding mode.
and I totally dig the idea of girlah cards. I think I'm just gonna keep doing layouts of the girlah meetups, but we should totally do cards...like ATCs or something.
i came back...I'm done with my swap and the respective peeps have received them (hopefully).
I loved the swap. i think that was the least time I was really feeling the flow. Heidi's made me especially giddy, cuz she's the queen bee :)
YEAH! Words cannot express the excitement that I feel over meeting my first girlah! Seriously. I'm giddy at the thought.
ROFL at Heidi wanting to collect the whole set. Like Happy Meal toys. LoL.
Still not sure about October. We were planning another mini family vacay for Sept., but now that's out of the question so October may be on! Are there gonna be hubbies involved at all? Cuz I'm totally scared of flying. Especially solo.
My swappage is finished. Sent out and received both of mine.
P.S. I never really understood the whole turkey leg eating either?
'I wanna collect the whole set'. lmao, you silly goose :) hahaha.
My schedule is booking itself up (work travel + wedding stuff), you know how it goes. But don't get me wrong.... I'm dyyyyyyyying to meet up with all my peeps. Ahhh.
So basically I'm delinquent yet another week again on the swap. I need to gather some pics and send them off to mR and ARadd. Sorry for the delay. I get so distracted sometimes :Op I'll try supahhh hard though soon (but I did manage to scrap all three of mR's pictures and will post those soon!).
ps - i dont think i can recall ever eating a turkey leg like that. i mean, i love drumsticks.... mmmm! but i'd be a little scared to tackle a turkey let like the above :) whoa.
mR, so funny 'as he's abt to conquer that bad boy' bwahahahhahahahaa.
okay so think me not crazy, but I ate at mcD's twice yesterday. just so I could get me another HK toy. can I be helped??
so Bo, I've got two of the HK cup things. the sticker one came first, and I just got the one with the clips and comb. how about you and me try to find a way to get them cute things to stay in our hair? cuz we can so rock them like no one's business...we'd be so beautiful!!
and the turkey leg thing isn't so bad. Mike feels its probably one of the better food values at D-land. I usually get the chimichanga and we'll switch, but Mike usually will eat most of the leg. although we probably do look a little bit caveman eating it.
i know my HK addiction is bad when i pull up to the drive-thru with my boys and they are hootin and hollering like a bunch of little crazies .....
"MOM. MOM. MOM! Look there's Hello Kitty!"
& *MAD PROPS* to heidi & jamie
for giving me the permission to order myself up a happy meal! i'm thinking i might do the Mighty Kids Meal w/ the six piece nuggets...four doesn't cut it for me! LoL.
i am so laughing my ass off at the candid camera shot of the guy eating the turkey leg! i love me some drumsticks from KFC. (original, not crispy). but i have yet to gobble down one as MONSTROUS as that! chris & i might have to take you up on the Disneyland challenge jamie!
and now on to the girlah reunion.
i am definitely gonna be heading to cali.
i can do august, september, october.
whateva's. i'll have the fam in tow, as my in laws live in Fontana.
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