sorry for the delay.
without further ado....
Michelle g sends to mR
mR to Deanna
Deanna to alex
alex to amber
amber to jamie
jamie to heidi
heidi to michelle G
**and if we all feel up for 2 we could do it in reverse too.
so MG to heidi
heidi to jamie
jamie to amber
amber to alex
alex to deanna
deanna to MR
mr to Mg
not like i needed to type that out ...dur!
let me know whatcha think.
this is gonna be so cool!
is that a tortilla warmer that cutie Olivia is
drawing names from????
i'm up for 2.
btw, i know i've been missin' in action...
scoop to follow soon.
Okay, I'm not firing on all cylinders.... do I email photos to both Jamie and MichelleG? Or they email to me? HEH?
okay, just for clarification (because pharmacists are all about the verification and the clarification)...
this is for the photo swap right? cuz I can only think in terms of 5, 10, 15, 20...
hee hee.
I think 2 would be cool, but I may be a bit preoccupied coming up in the next few weeks. something about a white dress and a groom. so forgive me if I'm a little distant...
wazowwwwwwww :) this is gonna be rad. two is most excellent.
super fun! can i use the pics for my dt assignments? :) i'm so desperate for pics.
WooHoo! Cannot wait!! 2 sounds great! (That was not intended to sound like a cheer. LoL)
yeah. i think i made that way more confusing with the whole reversing thing.
so it looks like we'll send to 2 people each. that way we'll scrao for those who are scrapping ours too. got it girl.
emailing is a good idea for the pics.
no worries about what you use them for, or with what, or when.
like a Shakira song or something.
if its still confusing, please let me know.
explaining it via computer is sometimes hard.
conference call anyone?!?
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